Our Mission
Promote running as a lifestyle for individuals of all abilities through fellowship, education, and events.
We are indeed a club for all runners. Whether you jog, run, race, volunteer, or simply want to be around a dynamic group of individuals and families who share a common passion, you are welcome to join!
In addition to running events and resources, we offer volunteer opportunities, college scholarships, and race services for those planning a running event.
Summit Athletic Club (SARC) is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization with over 600 members. For 48 years the club has served runners in Akron and surrounding communities. SARC race proceeds have been used to award over $30,000 in college scholarships and over $50,000 in donations to organizations such as the Akron-Canton Regional Food Bank and Summit County Children's Services.
Our History
Our club was founded in 1968. We have had a number of note-worthy runners in our club over the years, and we truly are a club for all runners.
Monthly Meetings
On the second Tuesday of the month, (Except for February and December), we meet for a group run followed by our monthly meeting. A variety of speakers covering all aspects of fitness, health, and of course running, are featured at our meetings. Presenters have included former Olympians, motivational speakers, and medical experts. Club Runs - We have several groups that meet both during the week and on the weekends. The groups range from casual to competitive. Why run alone?
Our members offer a wide variety of personal and professional skills to each other. The friendships that are bonded within our club are often life-long.